Training classes with bars, have become an important part of the timetable of all Gyms. A strategic combination of training with overload, plus a heavy dose of adrenaline, makes participants leave the concept of "boring" aside, when they consider weight training.
Besides combining training with overload, Steel training incorporates cardiovascular work, making a class covering all levels of training. Moreover, Instructors develop a balanced class, thanks to their new music system, which is based on working times and pauses, strategically placed so that participants can explore their full potential. Finally, with the Load Power segment, the volume of training increases even more, this garanting a remarkable outcome in very short time.
1. Increases muscle tone.
2. Invigorates the passive motor system, leading to higher demand for calcium to the bones.
3. Prevents osteoporosis and bone diseases.
4. Improves coordination.
5. Stimulates the central circulatory and cardiovascular system.
6. Increases strength and endurance of the body.
7. Reduces stress and tension, improving not only the body but also the mind.
8. Delays aging, improving life quality of each participant.
9. Trains the cardiovascular / respiratory system, increasing aerobic capacity.
10. Boosts metabolism, burning calories and fat.